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A look into the simply complex mixing of cells more commonly known as "ME"

Hello there, internet world!

I will refer to myself simply as "Restless" on here.  Feel free to do the same.  Here is a little bit of information about me. 

I am a 24 year old female.  I love animals of all shapes and sizes (but not bees!) and I love people of all ages, sizes, colours, and creeds. I am a lover by nature, and sometimes it gets the best of me. I have been a writer since I was young, really, and sometimes I feel like if I don’t write, I will go off my rocker!

This blog is not about anything specific, really. It is more just a way for me to get my thoughts out into the world. I have already written a book which I really need to “kick out of the nest” so to speak, however, my horrible combination of insecurities and procrastination keep me from doing such. I have a few other books in the works, but these works still do not encompass all of my thoughts.

I will do my best to keep things interesting for you, my reader, but be aware that the topics of my thoughts vary from moment to moment, (Yay for ADD!) and as such, will vary from post to post on here.

I have what I consider a restless mind. The posts in this blog will give you an idea of what goes on in my mind, and what my eyes see as I travel this world.  I sincerely hope that you enjoy what I have to say. If not, I do apologize in advance. Please feel free to speak your mind by leaving a comment or by sending me an email to Also, if you have any requests as to topics that I may write about, feel free to let me know!

Thanks for "listening."

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