Yesterday was just not a good day for me. It is funny, the image I keep getting in my mind is someone with their foot STUCK in a toilet. Odd right? I mean, how on Earth would a person get their foot stuck in a toilet? What would lead up to such a stupid situation? That is how my day felt yesterday. All these stupid little things kept adding up and all I could think was "How the heck did this even happen?"
Given that I usually end up crying when I get overly frustrated, I am proud to say that I didn't shed one single tear. However, I also didn't end up doing a lot of other things: sleep (insomnia again), make cupcakes, have my meeting with my boss, pick up my check, buy food for work, or remember to take my food from home with me to work (I left it on the table - thankfully the cats didn't touch it.)
To add to all this, I have just one word: Hormones.
They suck! Lately I have literally been able to feel when my hormones change. All of a sudden I feel this change come over me, and I get very irritable, or I feel like I am going to burst into tears for absolutely no reason. This happened the other day in the middle of a lunch date with a good friend. I felt horrible, but I knew that there was essentially nothing that I could do to change my mood. All I could do was try to avoid talking and crying at the same time (it sounds funny.) The first time this happened to me, I was actually at the gym working out. I had just finished doing a set and when I went to put the weights down on the rack, I couldn't even stand back up again. I felt so weighed down by random emotion. Sometimes I really hate being a woman.
Now for something that has nothing to do with emotions or hormones. My computer likes to auto save my blogs every 30 seconds. I swear it sometimes takes 29 seconds to save, and then all I can do is press "Enter" once and it has to save again. I usually pre-write my posts so that I can get my thoughts out even if I do not have internet access. Then, when I do have internet, I go on, copy and paste, and voila: my blog post. All I have to do from there is change some formatting, add some pictures or links, and I am set to go. It sounds like it would only take a minute, but last night I posted two entries, and I took about two hours to get them both out. No joke. So many times I sat there with my head in my hands, staring blankly at the screen thinking, "I am not even a patient person. Why am I doing this???" Then I consider never writing another blog again, a thought which is quickly dismissed, knowing that one person in particular seems to really look forward to reading my thoughts. I will oblige, but hopefully they now know what goes into all this :P
What's interesting to me is that when I am in the midst of my frustration and emotion, the last thing I want to do is write about it. Really, I don't usually want to do anything. I just want to curl up into a ball and turn off. A friend of mine suggested that it is all in the mind and I just needed to think about "What turned me on" << Direct quote. That one made me giggle :P Now that I am looking at this in hindsight, I am able to analyze it with a clear head, and write about it.
Today has been much better. I slept about 4 hours, (which, in comparison to 30 minutes cumulative, is not that bad) I got paid, had my meeting with my boss, bought some food for work, and even remembered to bring my food from work (I put it right in my work bag this time. Smart move, eh?) I am actually surprised that I got any sleep at all. I worked until 6:00am "last night" and when I got home, it was about 7:00 am when I got to bed. There has been road construction close to my apartment for the last month, which has been very annoying. I don't mind the hold ups before work. I just mind that they tore up an entire block's worth of pavement and then took 3 weeks to pave the whole thing. Of course, the stretch right in front of my apartment was last on the schedule to be paved. Well, they finally started paving it this morning. At 7:00 am. All I have to say to that is I literally thank God for making the person who invented ear plugs. I would go insane without them.
One thing that I could still hear even through the ear plugs was something I should come to expect by now. There is an Air Show that comes to town every summer. For the last 4 years, I have been woken up by the sound of planes flying VERY low over my home. I used to live much closer to the airport, and the first time I heard it, I thought we were at war. The next two years, I was totally fine with it. I woke up to the sound and thought "Oh ya, the Air show is this weekend." This morning, (even though I am GOING to the Air Show this weekend, and I have seen the planes flying around during the day) I woke up out of a dead sleep to the sound of planes flying overhead. It sounded like a bomber was approaching, and so, in my dreamy state, the first thing I thought was, "Why would anyone want to bomb Canada?"
After the Air Show, I am going to a friend's place for his birthday. He is in the process of setting up some hammocks in his yard for the occasion. I saw this video, and now I am not so sure I am as excited about the prospect of swinging in a hammock with my "friends" around.
Click here and you'll see what I mean.
Thanks for "listening."
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